Saturday, April 16, 2016

Light Purple Iris from Life

 Light Purple Iris from Life, pen-watercolor
in pocket Moleskine Watercolor journal

Hen, Goat, Cat, Rocks Page
pen-watercolor in pocket Moleskine Watercolor book

Missed posting the Hen, Goat, Cat and Rocks page when I finished it. Switched over to my other pocket journal, the sleek 3" x 5" Moleskine Watercolor one. Still has 140lb cold press paper but the grain is a lot finer than the Strathmore, allows more detail and smaller sketches with fine point pens. 

Everything's from life of course. There's huge patches of irises coming up in the yard across the driveway, under and between the trees and on a hill that used to have a fountain. The first to bloom was that rich red-violet. The second is a light purple, bluer, a good tint of Dioxazine Violet with touches of blue here and there.

Now a third has bloomed with dark lower petals and light upper petals. I'll have to paint that one too, naturally! Kitten says there are bronze ones, white, pink, other colors, so I can't wait to see what blooms next. 

The jonquils are all bloomed out but there were so many of them I was thrilled. Bulb flowers seem to do well here! I hope my hyacinth survives to bloom again next year and maybe propagate itself.


  1. Robert, I love seeing all these new sketches from life. You have such a great choice of subjects now. These are great!

    1. Thank you! I did a bit more pen detail on this iris, working after the watercolor instead of before was interesting.

  2. Rob, what a wonderful array of goodies to paint! You must be thrilled. The iris is gorgeous. Purple is one of my favorite colors . looking forward to seeing what you do with a bronze iris��

    1. Yeah, I can't wait. Bronze ones are beautiful though it may be tricky to paint. Right now I've got a two-tone one waiting for me, Sascha took a photo today.

  3. Those weren't supposed to be question marks :-)

  4. Those weren't supposed to be question marks :-)
