Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 27: Goshawk in Watercolor

5" x 7" watercolor on paper

I meant to sketch this with Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers and just wash in a smooth background gradient with Pthalo Blue watercolor. But once I got started with the watercolors, I decided to go pen and watercolor.

By the time I finished the watercolor, he needed no pen accents and was done.

That happens sometimes with process. I used the little 5 x 7" Bockingford pad that came with the markers, a paper that's very sweet with them and has its own special feel and texture just as most good watercolor papers do. Now I know how it behaves with pure transparent watercolor. I found it easy to get crisp hard edges, soften edges, go wet into wet, it's lovely paper in its own right.

Winsor & Newton makes some specialized pads for use with the Watercolour Markers, but I was very happy with the performance of the Bockingford on previous uses. I have also bought full sheets in all five colors so this is going to be fun. I should probably trim them down and start using them.

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